I arrived in Chengdu about 11:15, grabbed my bag, and got in a taxi headed towards Peter's TexMex. Zack came and met me at about 3 and it was incredibly exciting. It was a strange feeling seeing Zack when really I have been "seeing" him everyday via the internet, but to physically be with him was so much better. So our week began with an evening of hotpot and meeting some of Zack's friends.
Over the next few days I was able to make and IKEA trip, eat at Papa Johns, and a few nice restaurants. Those were some good things about the trip, but my favorite part was spending time with my man. On Saturday he took me to see the Pandas, which is something Chengdu, or that area, is well known for. Those bears are some of the laziest animals I've seen. While they are beautiful and rather human like, they sat around and ate bamboo the whole time we watched them. The panda nursery was just precious with these little 4 or 5 month old pandas just laying in one huge crib with each other. They looked so tiny and fragile.
After our panda adventure, there was some fine dining and some scootering around. I think one of my favorite things about Chengdu is the fact people scooter around. It's different from Qingdao, my city, in quite a few ways, but this is probably one of the most noticeable differences. I believe it is also the independence that comes along with owning your own means of transportation. Zack, being the amazing boyfriend he is, allowed me to have a try at driving the scooter. And as most of you know, I am a spectacular driver. It did take me a while to figure out how to balance myself, but once I got it I didn't do to bad. Zack even trusted me enough to let me drive with him on the back. He loves me.
Monday definitely came too quickly and it was time for me to return to my home. For those softies out there, I cried my eyes out when I left. We'll get to see each other again in November, around Thanksgiving. Jess, I admire your strength and now can understand what it was like those many years ago when you and Nick were dating states apart.
After my Chengdu adventure I had to return to the work world and teach the next day. It actually was a lot better than I thought it would be. Things are going well in the classroom. My kids continue to be a trip and bring laughter to my days. We've had some pretty good times lately writing about dogs falling in love, making commercials, and finding out what foods contain sugar and what foods don't. Volleyball is almost over which makes me a little sad. It was a crazy season, but I really enjoy coaching. Middle school youth group starts tomorrow, so we are having a cookout at my house and then playing some games up at the 'park'. I put that in quotations because I don't know that you would call it a traditional park, but it works.
I hope you all are doing well. Thanks for reading and I'll try to update more this week. It seems I say that every time.
i heard you got something called "black feet"
... yeah I heard that too, something about your feet being really dirty all the time
Woah, whoever is leaving these comments about Kira having dirty feet need to back up. Yes sometimes her feet may be dark in color.. but that's just part of our new culture. Kira, I liked your story. It gave me deja vu... strange.
Zack's dad loves me too, but he's never let me double him on his "Big Boy Scooter" (Harley).
We loved seeing the pictures of y'all together. You looked like you guys were having fun.
precious! Thanks for thinking of me in my younger years of angst :) And your hair looks pretty by the way. So does Zack's I guess.
Yes I can tell my daughter has hit that road called love. I just hope Zack knows not to break it. Because when mommy nots happy nobodys happy. You remind me of your aunt carla and her motorcyle eventure when she was young and almost wreck. Love ya lots!
you are beautiful btw! samantha brown (passport to europe tv show) went to china and went to that same panda place you went and bill and i watched it a few times because they were SO funny. She got to throw them food and they would catch it like a human! and all they did was eat and eat and eat and let their food fall all over them. in case you couldn't tell, we loved it. I got your facebook message and will wb soon...i have like 79 facebook messages, no joke, and haven't been ignoring them exactly, it's just scary to catch up on all of that.
Kira...you rock. Thanks for keeping on with youth group. I'm looking forward to hanging in March...
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