Today at lunch, we explored the land and came upon a new restaurant. It was supposed to be an Australian style place, but really it was a mixture of things. We ordered nachos and cheese as an appetizer. I was ecstatic when I read on the menu that they were gooey. So you could understand my disappointment when the plate that was delivered to our table held four saltine crackers and a wedge of cheese atop each one. Mistake number one. I decided to make up for the disappointment of cheese and crackers I would order desert. Again...anticipating a big, warm brownie with chocolate sauce and ice cream I was once again surprised by what appeared to be a crape with 'brown ice cream' and chocolate drizzle.
As for an update on life. Things are good. Teaching continues to be rewarding and my kids did a super fun puppet show the other day on listening to Him. The picture is from a rehearsal. They performed in front of 3rd-5th grade.They are truly an inspiration and not to mention a blast to teach. As for life outside of school...well it's there just not eventful. I have decided to stay 2 more this summer is my vacation home. All of June and July in America...I have no idea how to act. In fact I'm sure it will be quite the cultural adjustment. Then it's back in time for the Olympics and another great school year. I'll try to be better at posting more often..but no promises.