Sunday, January 13, 2008

Frosted Flakes

I do believe it is safe to say that it has been a while.

I'm awake at 5:55 am, which is actually a nice change from 3 am. This week has been some adjusting with the jet lag, but I am close to being back on schedule. I like being up a little early to eat some breakfast and read. It just makes me feel more normal.

Well...I made it to America and back. The first thing I did you ask. I ate a Quizno's sub at the airport...and it was delicious. Other than eating wonderful food, I spent time with my family. They were my priority this time around. I was able to see my dad after 14 months and an incredible amount of change. I had conversations with my dad that I didn't know I could have with him. He's doing great. He has his leg now and is up and walkig. He still needs to use a walker for safety, but if you didn't know that it was fake you wouldn't be able to tell.

I saw one friend. I know many of you were off getting married, or going to weddings. Or I suppose you were spending Christmas with your families. Geez. Ha! I'm anxious for this summer when I get to see many of you! I'm thinking of road tripping if you're up for a visitor let me know.

I have yet to decide about my future plans. One day I'm one way and the next I'm the other. I was leaning towards one decision, but it's so difficult a decision for me to make. Maybe because of my own selfish desires. Man. If you think of me, just ask that I have clarity and his peace about it all. I'll tell you something. Psalm 37:5 has changed my life in the last two months and that is no lie. A friend gave me an image to along with it. A camel will knell down to commit it's load. Then it rises and keeps going on it's way. I have to share that, because it really has been so powerful. Something that I've known for a long time, but it hit me in a way that I've never been hit before. Ha.

I've been sick this week. It's sinus or bronchitus or something. I'm on medicine, but I'd love for it to go away soon.

We had a 'big' snow this week. Aparently it's the biggest snow they've had in 4 years. It was maybe an inch or so. It was pretty cool, but we still had school. My students came in from recess soaked, but they had a blast.

Well, I suppose that's all for now. Mostly random things I know, but that's me.