I'm learning a lot these days; a lot about myself and about life. I was at Starbucks tonight, and it was a nice evening. I didn't take any 'school work' with me, but took my journal and Waking the Dead. I'm rereading it. So there I am sitting in Starbucks, drinking my hot chocolate and as I sat writing in my journal I couldn't help but notice a little boy who had passed by at least two times. He wasn't the cleanest of children, and it didn't take me long to realize he was a beggar. I didn't see a mother or father nearby outside; it could be that they were standing off from a distance. However as this little boy walked in he passed right by me. He didn't stop to ask me for anything. I was surprised. I watched as he went up to Chinese people sitting all around me and he at times would just sit and watch. Not asking them for anything, but just looking at the books or electronics. He was asked to leave by one of the employees, but it didn't take long before he tried one more time. This time he went and sat by a man and just looked at his computer for a while. The man didn't seemed too annoyed and amused the boy by allowing him to look. Again it didn't take long for the employees to notice and see that he left once again. This time however on his way out I caught his eye and I smiled at him. He looked at me surprised and smiled just a little back. When he got outside he came close to the window and was looking at me. Once I realized; I quickly smiled and began to make faces at him. It was fun, and somehow it seemed like maybe this was the first time he had ever had this sort of fun with someone. Then it struck me what this boy's life might be like. I really began to think about how this boys daily life was, and how many children share a life just like his. It doesn't seem fair. How do you change that? Or can you? I wanted so badly to do something to change his life, but what?
These days I've been living just to survive; really in every aspect of my life. I'm changing that.